WhatsApp has recently released a stable update for iOS, now available on the App Store with a build number of 23.13.80. This update brings an exciting change to the interface, featuring translucent bars for an enhanced user experience.
The latest WhatsApp update introduces a tweaked interface with translucent bars, offering a fresh look and feel to the app. While the official changelog on the App Store may not explicitly mention this feature, it is indeed rolling out to users on the stable release. Although some users may already have the same interface by installing the previous update, WhatsApp aims to gradually expand the availability of the translucent bars to more users over the coming weeks.
Previously, we reported that a similar interface was available to beta testers on WhatsApp for iOS However, WhatsApp had discontinued the translucent effect in the past. Now, with the release of WhatsApp for iOS 23.13.80, more users can enjoy the revamped interface with translucent tab bars and navigation bars.
In addition to the interface update, the official changelog still highlights other features, such as the improved sticker tray with enhanced navigation and the introduction of a larger set of avatar stickers, as mentioned in our previous article about the WhatsApp beta for iOS 23.13.78 update.
To check if you have the translucent bars feature, simply open any section of the app after updating to WhatsApp for iOS 23.13.80. If the translucent effect is present, you can enjoy the updated interface. If you don’t see the feature immediately, don’t worry. WhatsApp assures users that it will continue rolling out to more accounts over the upcoming weeks. Ensure you regularly update WhatsApp from the App Store or TestFlight app to stay ahead and potentially receive the feature in the future.
Stay informed about the latest WhatsApp updates and features by following WABetaInfo on Twitter. You can also discover new features for WhatsApp beta across Android, iOS, Web/Desktop, and Windows platforms. Update your WhatsApp to the latest version and enjoy the improved user experience with the translucent bars feature on iOS!