WhatsApp has rolled out a new feature called “phone number privacy” for Android and iOS users. The feature, available in the beta update for both platforms, allows users to maintain their privacy by hiding their phone numbers within WhatsApp communities. Upon installing the latest beta update, users will find a new option called “phone number privacy” in the community announcement group info.
With this feature, users can hide their phone numbers from participants in the conversation, ensuring that their full phone number is only visible to community administrators and those who have saved them as a contact. This helps protect user privacy and prevents their phone numbers from being shared with other community members.
It is important to note that the feature is limited to community members, and the phone number of the community admin will always be visible. The phone number privacy feature is currently available to some beta users who have installed the latest WhatsApp update for Android and iOS, with a wider rollout expected in the coming days.
In addition to phone number privacy, WhatsApp has been working on other features to enhance the community experience. Recently, it was reported that the messaging platform is developing a group suggestions feature for communities in the Android beta. This feature would allow community admins to approve or reject requests made by other members, with shortcuts for quick approval or rejection.
These new features demonstrate WhatsApp’s commitment to user privacy and continuous improvement of the community experience. Users can look forward to enhanced control over their phone numbers and improved management of community interactions within the app.