Intermediate HTML Interview Questions and Answers 2024

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Are you gearing up for an HTML interview in 2024? Whether you’re a budding web developer or aiming to enhance your HTML skills, it’s essential to be well-prepared for potential questions that might come your way. Here’s a collection of intermediate-level HTML interview questions along with detailed answers to guide you through your interview preparation journey.

1. What is the purpose of the <meta> tag in HTML?

The <meta> tag in HTML serves the crucial role of providing metadata about the HTML document. This metadata includes information like character set, viewport settings, and keywords. Placed within the <head> section of the document, the <meta> tag contributes to better document organization and search engine optimization.

2. Explain the difference between <div> and <span> elements.

Both <div> and <span> are HTML elements used for grouping content, but they serve different purposes. The <div> element is a block-level container, often used to group larger sections of content, while the <span> element is an inline container, typically employed to style or manipulate smaller portions of text within a line.

3. How does the HTML data- attribute work, and when is it commonly used?

The data- attribute in HTML allows developers to store custom data private to the page or application. It is often used when additional information needs to be attached to an HTML element for JavaScript functionality or styling purposes. For instance, you might use data- attributes to store unique identifiers or configuration settings for elements.

4. What is the importance of semantic HTML?

Semantic HTML is essential for creating well-structured and accessible web pages. By using semantic elements like <header>, <footer>, <nav>, and <article>, you enhance the document’s readability for both developers and assistive technologies. Semantic HTML contributes to better search engine optimization and ensures a more inclusive experience for users with disabilities.

The target attribute in HTML is used within the <a> (anchor) tag to specify where the linked content should be displayed. Common values for the target attribute include _blank (opens the link in a new tab or window) and _self (opens the link in the same tab or window). Understanding the target attribute is crucial for controlling how users interact with linked content.

6. How can you embed a video in an HTML document?

To embed a video in an HTML document, you can use the <video> element. Set the src attribute to the URL of the video file, and include optional attributes like controls for playback controls and autoplay for automatic playback. Additionally, you can provide alternative content within the <video> element, ensuring compatibility with browsers that do not support video playback.

7. Explain the concept of HTML form validation.

HTML form validation helps ensure that user input meets specified criteria before submission. It can be achieved using attributes like required, min, max, and pattern. These attributes, along with the pattern attribute for regular expressions, enhance user experience by prompting validation messages and preventing the submission of incomplete or incorrect form data.

8. What is the role of the HTML localStorage object?

The localStorage object in HTML is a web storage API that allows developers to store key-value pairs in a user’s browser. Unlike session storage, data stored in localStorage persists even after the user closes the browser window. This feature is commonly used for saving user preferences, caching data, or maintaining state across multiple visits to a website.

9. How does the HTML canvas Do elements enable graphics rendering?

The <canvas> element in HTML provides a drawing surface that allows developers to create graphics, charts, and animations using JavaScript. By utilizing the 2D or 3D rendering context, developers can dynamically draw and manipulate graphical content on the web page. The canvas element is instrumental in creating interactive and visually engaging web applications.

10. Discuss the importance of responsive web design in HTML.

Responsive web design in HTML is crucial for ensuring optimal user experiences across various devices and screen sizes. By employing techniques like media queries and flexible grid layouts, developers can create websites that adapt seamlessly to different devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops. Responsive design enhances accessibility and caters to the diverse ways users access web content in the modern digital landscape.

11. What are meta tags in HTML?

Meta tags are those tags which go inside the Head tag of the HTML page
Meta tags are not for the interface they are important for the browser.
Meta Tags are always in name or value pairs
Meta tags consist of character encoding, title, or even description.

12. State some basic design element

Some of the basic elements of design are

Line – a line mark made with any pen or brush or even any edge created when two shapes meet
Size – it is the area occupied by one shape with the other
Texture- the surface of the shape – Smooth, soft, hard, glossy, and such
Color – The light reflected from the objects. The three characteristics of color are hue, value, and intensity.

13. Differentiate between div and span.

It is utilized for separating the elements that are block-line, and line break before and after it.
It contains global attributes for certain elements in HTML documents.
At times para tag <P> is utilized for the inner side of the <div> tag.
In the div tag, we make use of borders with width height with specified color pixels to emphasize the front-end document.


Span is utilized for grouping inline elements in the HTML doc.
It includes certain, global and event attributes.
In a paragraph, <span> tag is utilized to use a CSS style for certain words with the selected font sets.
In the Span tag, we utilize specified color coding to depict the front-end document.

14. In Bootstrap, how do you make navigation elements?

The navigation elements in Bootstrap can be styled in a variety of ways. The markup and base class are the same in all of these .nav. To build tabular navigation or tabs, execute the following steps:

Begin by creating an unordered list using the base class of .nav. The .nav-tabs class should be added.

15. How can one create an alert in Bootstrap?

Create a wrapper <div> and add a class of .alert and one of the contextual classes to create a basic alert (e.g., .alert-success, .alert-info, .alert-warning, .alert-danger, .alert-primary, .alert-secondary, .alert-light or .alert-dark).

16. What are the two types of spinners that you can create using Bootstrap?

Use the .spinner-border class to make a spinner/loader.

<div class= “spinner-border” ></div>

If you want the spinner/loader to grow instead of “spin”, use the .spinner-grow class.

<div class= “spinner-grow” ></div>

17. What are the different types of lists in HTML?

Ordered List
Nested list

18. What is the difference between the ‘id’ attribute and the ‘class’ attribute of HTML elements?

Multiple elements in HTML can have the same class value, whereas a value of the id attribute of one element cannot be associated with another HTML element.

19. Define multipart form data.

Multipart form data is one of the values of the enctype attribute. It is used to send the file data to the server side for processing. The other valid values of the enctype attribute are text/plain and application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

20. Describe the HTML layout structure.

Every web page has different components to display the intended content and a specific UI. But still, there are a few things that are templated and are globally accepted ways to structure the web page, such as:

<header>: Stores the starting information about the web page.
<footer>: Represents the last section of the page.
<nav>: The navigation menu of the HTML page.
<article>: It is a set of information.
<section>: It is used inside the article block to define the basic structure of a page.
<aside>: Sidebar content of the page.

21. How can we include audio or video on a webpage?

HTML5 provides two tags: <audio> and <video> tags using which we can add the audio or video directly to the webpage.

22. Inline and block elements in HTML5?


Inline elements just take up the space that is necessary for the content and do not start from a new line.
Example:- <span>, <a>, <strong>, <img>, <button>, <em>, <select>, <abbr>, <label>, <sub>, <cite>, <abbr>, <script>, <label>, <i>, <input>, <output>, <q>, etc


Block elements start on a new line and consume the full width of the page available.
Example:- <div>, <p>, <header>, <footer>, <h1>…<h6>, <form>, <table>, <canvas>, <video>, <blockquote>, <pre>, <ul>, <ol>, <figcaption>, <figure>, <hr>, <article>, <section>, etc.

23. What are Semantic Elements?

Semantic elements are those which describe the particular meaning to the browser and the developer. Elements like <form>, <table>, <article>, <figure>, etc., are semantic elements

24. What type of audio files can be played using HTML5?

HTML5 supports the following three types of audio file formats:


25)Explain new input types provided by HTML5 for forms.

Following are the significant new data types offered by HTML5:

Date – Only select the date by using type = “date”
Week – Pick a week by using type = “week”
Month – Only select month by using type = “month”
Time – Only select time by using type = “time”.
Datetime – Combination of date and time by using type = “datetime”
Datetime-local – Combination of date and time by using type = “datetime-local.” but ignoring the timezone
Color – Accepts multiple colors using type = “color”
Email – Accepts one or more email addresses using type = “email”
Number – Accepts a numerical value with additional checks like min and max using type = “number”
Search – Allows searching queries by inputting text using type = “search”
Tel – Allows different phone numbers by using type = “tel”
Placeholder – To display a short hint in the input fields before entering a value using type = “placeholder”
Range – Accepts a numerical value within a specific range using type = “range”
Url – Accepts a web address using type = “url”

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HTML Interview Questions and Answers (2024)

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