Comprehensive Exercise Assignment for Web Development Candidates

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Aspiring web developers often find themselves at the intersection of creativity and coding, where the mastery of HTML, CSS, and frameworks like Bootstrap 5 becomes paramount. To assess and enhance these skills, a well-designed exercise assignment can serve as an invaluable tool for candidates. In this article, we’ll present a set of exercises covering HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap 5, providing candidates with a hands-on opportunity to showcase their abilities.

Exercise 1: Building a Responsive Landing Page


Create a responsive landing page for a fictional product or service. Incorporate the following elements:

  • A navigation bar with links.
  • A hero section with a background image and a call-to-action button.
  • A grid layout showcasing key features or services.
  • Testimonials section with styled quotes and user images.
  • A contact form with appropriate form fields.

Evaluation Criteria:

Candidates will be assessed based on the responsiveness of the page, effective use of Bootstrap classes, and overall design aesthetics.

Exercise 2: Styling a Pricing Table


Develop a pricing table for a subscription-based service. Utilize the following features:

  • Clearly defined pricing tiers.
  • Feature lists for each tier.
  • Highlight a recommended or popular plan.
  • Use of appropriate colors and styling to differentiate tiers.

Evaluation Criteria:

Candidates will be evaluated on the clarity of the pricing structure, effective use of CSS for styling, and consistency with design principles.

Exercise 3: Creating a Personal Portfolio


Build a personal portfolio webpage showcasing your skills, projects, and contact information. Include the following elements:

  • An ‘About Me’ section with a brief bio.
  • A section highlighting your skills or technical expertise.
  • A portfolio gallery with images or links to your projects.
  • Contact information or a contact form.

Evaluation Criteria:

Candidates will be assessed on the overall presentation, creativity in design, and proper structuring of the portfolio content.


Develop a responsive image gallery using Bootstrap 5. Requirements include:

  • A grid layout for images.
  • Responsive behavior for different screen sizes.
  • Optional: Include a lightbox feature for a detailed view of images.

Evaluation Criteria:

Candidates will be evaluated based on the responsiveness of the gallery, proper utilization of Bootstrap components, and any additional features implemented.

Exercise 5: Interactive Form Validation


Create a form with interactive validation using HTML5 and CSS. Include:

  • Input fields for name, email, and password.
  • Real-time validation feedback (e.g., for a valid email address).
  • Stylish error messages and success indicators.

Evaluation Criteria:

Candidates will be assessed on the functionality of form validation, user-friendly feedback, and attention to detail in styling.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Code Structure and Organization:
    • Use semantic HTML5.
    • Maintain a clear and organized folder structure for files.
  2. CSS Styling:
    • Apply consistent styling throughout.
    • Use appropriate color schemes and font choices.
  3. Bootstrap Integration:
    • Utilize Bootstrap 5 classes for grid layout and components where applicable.
  4. Responsiveness:
    • Ensure that the exercises demonstrate responsiveness for various screen sizes.
  5. Creativity:
    • Encourage candidates to infuse creativity into their designs while adhering to the assignment requirements.

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