Realme has officially announced the upcoming launch of its Narzo 60 series in India. Serving as the successor to the Narzo 50 series, the Narzo 60 series is expected to bring new features and improvements. While the specific launch date has not been revealed, Realme has created a dedicated section on its website to provide a glimpse of the key specifications of the upcoming series.
The website does not offer any visual representation of the Narzo 60 series, leaving fans curious about its design. It is also unclear whether the series will consist of multiple devices or just a single phone initially. However, Realme has dropped a hint about the storage capacity, claiming that the Narzo 60 series can store over 250,000 photos. While this does not provide precise details about the maximum storage capacity, the emphasis on storage suggests the possibility of a top-end variant with 1TB of internal storage.
Realme plans to release more information about the Narzo 60 series in a phased manner leading up to the launch. The next update is scheduled for June 22, followed by another on June 26. This indicates that the Narzo 60 series is likely to be launched by the end of this month or early next month. Further details about the phone may surface through leaks in the coming weeks.
Recent reports indicate that a phone, possibly the Narzo 60 5G, was spotted on the Geekbench benchmarking website. The device is expected to feature a MediaTek Dimensity 6020 processor, up to 6GB of RAM, and support for Realme UI 4.0 software. Additionally, it has been speculated that the Narzo 60 5G could be a rebranded version of the Realme 11 5G. If so, its specifications would include a 6.43-inch Super AMOLED display with a 90Hz refresh rate, a 64-megapixel main camera, and an 8-megapixel front camera.
More details about the Realme 11 5G, and potentially other devices in the Narzo 60 series, are expected to emerge in the coming days.