WhatsApp has unveiled a new feature that enables users to automatically silence incoming calls from unknown numbers. By accessing the settings menu, navigating to “Privacy,” selecting “Calls,” and activating the “Silence Unknown Callers” toggle, users can activate this setting. According to WhatsApp, this feature aims to combat spam, scams, and calls from unfamiliar individuals, providing increased protection for users.
Once enabled, the feature mutes all audio and visual alerts associated with incoming calls from unknown numbers. However, silenced calls will still be visible in the recent calls list, accompanied by a “silenced unknown caller” label, allowing users to return the call if desired.
The addition of this feature follows reports of a surge in spam calls, particularly impacting users in India. Last month, TechCrunch reported that WhatsApp had implemented a machine learning-based enforcement system, claiming to reduce spam calls by 50 percent. With the new call silencing feature, users can now attempt to silence any spam calls that may have bypassed the service’s automatic filters.
Alongside the call silence feature, WhatsApp has introduced a “Privacy Checkup” feature. This tool provides users with a step-by-step guide to understand and utilize the privacy and security options offered by WhatsApp. The checkup covers various categories, including the ability to choose who can contact them and the option to enhance account security with features like two-step verification or biometric authentication for app access.