WhatsApp, the popular instant messaging platform owned by Meta, is reportedly launching an improved interface for advertising status updates on the WhatsApp Business app. The feature is currently available to some beta testers who have installed the latest WhatsApp Business update.
Back in March, WhatsApp Business introduced the boost status shortcut feature. With this shortcut, businesses can quickly share their new status updates on Facebook and Instagram to attract new customers.
According to WABetaInfo, WhatsApp has been working on enhancing the interface of the section that appears when enabling this feature. Some beta testers can now experiment with the updated interface after installing the latest WhatsApp Business update, which is accessible through the TestFlight app.
The report reveals that WhatsApp has redesigned the section that appears after using the boost status shortcut. A shared screenshot from WABetaInfo provides additional information, highlighting the ability to reach new customers and guide them to initiate a chat on WhatsApp by boosting status updates.
With this new interface, WhatsApp aims to make it even clearer what the “boost status” option entails. Businesses interacting with this feature will immediately understand that it enables them to create sponsored posts on Facebook or Instagram to reach new customers and attract them to WhatsApp using the dedicated click-to-chat button.
Once a status update is advertised, it becomes an advertisement post on Facebook or Instagram. However, it will not be shared with other WhatsApp users, as this feature exclusively provides optional advertising capabilities on Instagram and Facebook.
It’s important to note that this is an exclusive business tool and is not available for standard WhatsApp accounts. The new interface for the section allowing users to advertise their status updates is currently available to select beta testers who have installed the latest WhatsApp beta version for iOS from the TestFlight app. It will be rolled out to more users over the upcoming weeks.